3 Things You May Not Know About Chiropractic


Thomas Edison once said “The Doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human form, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease”. I find this quote interesting because I see amazing things in my practice achieved everyday. Here are 3 things you may not have known about chiropractic.

It's for more than just pain:

Yes, Chiropractic is very helpful for people that suffer from pain; although, it is much more than just pain relief. Getting chiropractic care can help tremendously in overall health and happiness.

Safe During Pregnancy:

In our practice we take care of a lot of pregnant mommas and babies. Getting adjusted properly while pregnant can help make pregnancy much more comfortable and help keep momma and baby healthy.

Did you know that Chiropractic care can help more than just neck and back pain?

Chiropractors can also help shoulder, hip, knee, elbow and ankle problems. Properly functioning joints can mean the difference between a life full of restrictions and a life full of possibilities.

There is a great deal that Chiropractic can help with then one would think. One of the best ways to see if chiropractic can help is to stop by the office and find out! Chances are we can help make things better!!

Be healthy and well,

-Dr. Redman